Irma Dorothy School 

About the School 

School name: Irmã Dorothy School

Country: Brazil

Language: Portuguese

Principal: Inacio de Oliveira dos Santos

Number of Students: 183

Age of students: 5-15

Map Location: 2°31’43.4″S 54°55’39.7″W

Address: Rodovia Estadual Dr. Everaldo de Souza Martins, km 24, Caranazal, Santarém, PA Brazil

School Activities

Waterschool Activities: Swarovski Waterschool Teaching and Learning Material: Water and Community (chapter 6) – 6.1 – ‘River basin’ and 6.3 – ‘Planting trees, planting water’


Implementation of activities at the school: At first, the students learned about the water and Swarovski Waterschool during a talk, and watched the Waterschool Documentary. On the second day the school had a big birthday celebration with around 100 students, parents and all the teachers. Students were invited to participate on the activity 6.3 – ‘Planting trees, Planting water’.

Other interesting facts about the school: The school has 33 hectares of secondary forest, small rivers and lakes. It develops the pedagogical practice collaboratively, supporting the integral development with students on the socioenvironmental and cultural aspects.

Messages from the ground

“Water is the source of life. Our bodies are made of water just like Mother Earth. If we want to preserve water we have to start by not polluting what we already have.”

Student from the 6th year of Irma Dorothy School 

“Before we never worried about water, but it is important to learn how to work with it, reuse it and treat it well.”

Student from the 9th year of Irma Dorothy School


“Small actions can make a big difference!”

Student from the 7th year of Irma Dorothy School