SOS Primary School

About the School 

School name: SOS Primary School

Country: Malawi

Language: English

Number of Students: 450

Age of students: 6-13 years old

Address: Lilongwe in Area 24, PO Box 607, Lilongwe

School Activities

Waterschool Activities: Water, Sanitation and the Environment


Implementation of activities at the school: The first meeting was organized with teachers and School committee representative. And the purpose of this meeting was to brief them about what Swarovski Water-school Initiative is all about and see permission to work with SOS school during our initial pilot project. About 10 teachers and 3 school committee representative attended the meeting. After a length discussion for them to better under the project, they school agreed to be part of the project and pledged support to the success implementation of the project activities. And that proper arrangement shall be made so that all school learners involved are well coordinated. This meeting took place on Monday, July 19, 2021 at SOS Primary school.

As the result of the briefing meeting with school management about the Waterschool Initiative, the second brief meeting was held with matrons and school pupils at SOS Primary school. The main objective of the meeting was to brief pupils about the project and also address their expectation as learners. 

Other interesting facts: About three teachers and 50 pupils (25 girls, 25 male) participated in this meeting. The brief meeting also focused on identifying key issues related to water, sanitation and environment around the school and the community. It also discussed what is all about Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting also identified existing opportunities and gaps that need to be addressed.

Messages from the ground

"The project has come at the right time and will help to empower learners to be responsible in managing water and also take part in environmental rehabilitation. "
Mrs Magombo, Teacher

"We are happy that NYNCC had chosen SOS primary school and the project will help us know about water, sanitation and become leaders on how to manage our environment "
Daniel Thambo and Destiny Maonjeza, students



National Youth Network on Climate Change (NYNCC) MALAYWI