About the School 

School name: José Vasconcelos School

Country: Mexico

Language: Spanish

Number of Students: 30

Age of students: 6-12

Address: Santa María Huatulco Oaxaca  

School Activities

Activity: Activity 5.4 from the Swarovski Waterschool Teaching and Learning Material: Plant a school garden and 6.1: Water and trees 


Implementation of activities at the school: The activities that were initially programmed had to be modified. In the month of May on the coast of the state of Oaxaca Mexico, the Huracan Agatha arrived. The school where it is possible to apply the project suffered great damages by el huracan. For weeks, the community remained without water and the school continued with damage. That's why we reorganized the activities and took the kids to other spaces to be able to implement the workshops. We carry out courses where they learned about the importance of water and biodiversity. We carried out two drawing workshops with natural paintings where they learned the importance of taking care of water and the importance of the SDG 6 "Clean Water and Sanitation". We also carried out a beach clean up where they learned the importance of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We also carried out a two-week summer course through zoom where we had the participation of the states of Tamaulipas, Puebla, Chiapas, Veracruz, Michoacan, Aguascalientes, (Mexico) and other countries such as Peru, Colombia. In the state of Jalisco Mexico we carried out a reforestation with more than 200 trees.

Other interesting facts about the school: The school is located within one of the areas with the greatest vulnerability within the community. It is a school where teachers and their students seek to be a sustainable school, implement their own school gardens, recycle pets and participate in the cleaning of the river. 

Messages from the ground

It is important that you take care of the water in your community and not contaminate the rivers and the planet.