Uzini primary School

About the School 

School name: Uzini Primary School

Country: Tanzania

Language: English

Number of Students: 721

Age of students: 4 - 14 years old

Address: Uzini, Central District of Unguja Island in Zanzibar

School Activities

Waterschool Activities: WATER AND ME  3.1: Making water safe to drink  3.2: Germ detection and hand washing  3.3: Water in our bodies and dehydration


Implementation of activities at the school: The implementation of the activity started by a coordinator of the program Mr. Rashid Mwinyi introducing the Swarovski Waterschool Global Initiative to the headmaster of the school and then the headmaster introduced the PYI team to the teachers and students who were selected to participate in the program. The selected students were among the leaders of the students' organization, the leaders of the environment club and the leaders of the health clubs as well as some best students from different classes. A total of 45 students including 30 females and 15 males and three teachers participated in the program.

The activity aimed at teaching the students how to make water safe for drinking, germ detection and hand washing as well as the importance of water in our bodies and dehydration. The trainers taught the students the theories of all mentioned topics in the class and then the students were taken to the schoolyard to practise all the exercises taught in the class. The students were very much active and collaborative during the lessons and activities.

Other interesting facts about the school: There were several facilitation techniques used by the trainer which included question and answer, brainstorming, and practical implementation of some of the topics. The multitude of training methodologies was utilized to make sure all the participants get the whole concepts and they practice what they learn because only listening to the trainers can be forgotten, but what the trainees do by themselves they will never forget.

Messages from the ground
"We learnt how to detect bacteria in our hands and we were advised to wash our hands not less than 20 seconds. We also learnt the importance of water in our bodies and we were instructed to to drink much water so that our bodies can resist various disease. Finally, we learnt the better ways to cure water by filtering and boiling them. For the betterment of our health were guided to drink boiled water. I would like to thank Swarovski Waterschool Global Initiative for giving us this important training. I promise you that I will implement all what we learnt and teacher others as well."

Ibrahim Hassan, Student